Originally Posted by angel417
If neither backs a winner Pete loses $20 bucks and Luke loses $5.
Which one would you rather be????
They both have the exact same ability to pick winners, meaning their strike rate is exactly the same...
The whole point is whether they have a strike rate greater than the odds they get, or less than.
Of course the less money you bet the less is your exposure to loss. But it also decreases your exposure to win.
Lets say that they continue this for 20 weeks. They each pick 30% winners and their average dividend is $4.
I can guarantee you that I would rather be Pete.... They both have the same POT, yet Pete has 4 times the profit of Luke.
What you are forgetting Angel, is that in the initial post, he stated that Pro punters win because they make less bets.
His scenario was 2 punters, both with the same ability to pick a winner. The one that placed less bets won, and the other lost.
This is flawed logic any way you look at it.