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Old 7th October 2005, 07:32 AM
crash crash is offline
Join Date: Jan 1970
Location: gippsland lakes/vic
Posts: 5,104

Hopefully everyone bets to a % of bank. Anything more than 2% would be regarded as very aggressive, but many bet much higher % purely because of low resources. As for this topic, I've given up on it. People will believe whatever they want to believe [this writer included]. My point has been seen and appreciated by some who have the eyes and nous. That's a small achievment I'll settle for.

If you were a Pro-Punter 924 [and now ? ..a failed pro-punter ? :-) ], what are you doing here, slumming it?. Your forum life would [probably] have revolved around Ausrace where the big bettors mostly roam, Do you have an Ausrace name ?
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