16th January 2003, 06:11 PM
Join Date: Jan 1970
Posts: 54
Another new bloke who will put his bit in with regards to "value" which I believe is
looked at the wrong way.
Value is what you set for yourself not what the market sets for you. We often hear the statement "that was over the odds" or "that was under the odds".
The market odds I hear you say. Well who sets those odds, The BOOKMAKER does and all his odds are "under the odds" as he has to make a profit the same as anyone in business does.
Back to "value". VALUE is what you set yourself for yourself. What might be acceptable odds for me may be unacceptable for someone else. I don't like accepting odds under $3 and think twice about anything over $15. Anything in the middle is acceptable value to me.
As to framing a market I don't bother. I simply do the form and try to get the chances to 3 or less otherwise I move onto the next race.
When it comes time to place the bet if the odds aren't in my price bracket I don't bet.