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Old 8th October 2005, 12:22 PM
KennyVictor KennyVictor is offline
Join Date: Jan 1970
Location: Mt Tamborine
Posts: 574

Originally Posted by crash
924. Quote: "Crash does appear to have some great knowledge in some areas and has the potential to be a fantastic forum contributor if we could just get him to play the ball and not the man." End Quote.
I do it to those who do it to me [only] and I can be very, very good at it.

I'm sure you believe you are good at it but the sad thing is, to me, you come across somewhere between a grumpy old curmudgeon and a bully. 924 summed up perfectly the way I feel about your posting and I say this not in any purile attempt to upset you but in the equally unlikely hope that you might try to look at yourself as others see you.

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