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Old 11th October 2005, 03:33 PM
wesmip1 wesmip1 is offline
Join Date: Sep 2005
Posts: 1,601


Were you using prize money won ? or prize money raced for ?

I knopw alot of system use average prize money won per race and/or total prize money won, but this is slightly different using the prize money for which was raced (not won).

The only online formguide IO could find that had the information was expert form. all other form guides seem to disregard it and only show prize money won.

I don't know of many systems that use this filter, and I haven't seen any systems on here that use that as a filter.

It is throwing a lot of longer priced horse which was suprising. I guess this is because the horses racing at a higher prize money range usually are running 6 placed or higher and their form doesn't look good.

Anyway I will post anything I find.
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