22nd January 2003, 06:33 PM
Join Date: Jan 1970
Posts: 696
An important lesson to any investor is that they need to realise that in any betting series your going to have Hi's & Lo's in your bankroll.
If you run MCsim's on your betting stats, you will find in most cases you will hit your Minimum bankroll 9 times out of ten before hitting your Maximum Bankroll in a 100 betting seriesthe minimum will occur on avg just looking at your stats from bet 40 - 60 your max bankroll will on avg be from 50-80 in your betting series.
If your using a mechanical system in your selections.....confidence should be currently building..but!!
if you have fiddled your selection criteria after seeing your POT dropping...you have done like so many and headed down the road of dispair....
I commend you on your posting of your picks..