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Old 19th October 2005, 01:03 PM
Neil Neil is offline
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Originally Posted by La Mer
But it goes even further than that Neil, because at least Betfair pays for the privilege of betting on those sports (and would do for Australian racing, as they do with UK racing, if they were allowed to), but the tote operators DO NOT pay a fee to the other sports such as tennis or football etc. Hypocrisy at its worst.
Fully agree with you, La Mer. I just wanted to keep it nice and simple. One of the most powerful and often used arguments is that our racing is clean and to keep racing clean and so protect punters, betting exchanges should not be permitted to operate. lol.

Presumably they don't worry about keeping other sports clean to protect punters on those sports by offering bets that are effectively a form of laying one team or one player. ...."I want this tennis player to lose because then I win my bet," is no different to laying that tennis player to lose on a betting exchange.

In addition, how is integrity protected when there are also margins bets in games?

Who is trying to fool who? Who is trying to pull the wool over punters' eyes?

It's all about preventing competition and finding arguments other than that to justify their position. Obviously no punters would accept, "We don't want betting exchanges. They might reduce the amount of money we win from you and so lower our profits."
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