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Old 19th October 2005, 04:54 PM
timothy timothy is offline
Join Date: Mar 2005
Posts: 15

Agree with that and is why I have a big ? beside God's Own.

My placegetter possibilities are a lot wider and 3yo's can run into third with their light weights e.g. Viscount in the mix with the prize fighters of Sunline and Northerly a few years ago. Suspect winning is a different story.
Fields could do it but taking the risk - he is 8 now ad although lightly raced and going very well I'm risking him.
To me Super Kid is at very good odds - his runs here have been very good. Gee the Valley atmosphere won't worry him - Honkers prepares you for that. Same with Greys Inn just to a slightly lesser extent on all above fronts.
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