Thread: Grrr!!!
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Old 20th October 2005, 11:09 AM
Tenacious Spirit Tenacious Spirit is offline
Join Date: Feb 2005
Posts: 304
Default Grrr!!!

I don't have a whinge very often, about bad jockey rides and bad luck and that but i am going to have a whinge now. This rule about horses not getting a fair chance being in place to "protect punters" is a farce. It protected the punters that backed Mr. celebrity and thats all. But it doesn't protect the punters who actually found the winner. I didn't rate Mr Celbrity as even a place chance, and i backed Men at Work and On a Jeune. Now i was wrong on my assessment of Mr celeb, as had he not missed the start he would have probably(you never know) placed or even won. But you can only speculate. I did find the actual winner in on a jeune, who had probably a harder run the mr celebrity did anyway, wide the trip at the back of the field. I am greatful that i had a win on the race and 12 dollars is still a nice divi, i didn;t bet all that much so it wasn;t the end of the world. But if i was betting larger ammounts i would be pretty ****ed off; a five dollar difference in price is huge.

Why should all the other punters in the race take the fall, for one horses bad barrier behaviour?

Furthermore, i can see a lot more losers out of the whole situation than winners. Bookies lose out. Punters apart from those on mr celeb lose out. the owners lose out.

All that said, what happens now for Mr celeb and the cup?

cheers and thanks for listening to my uncharacteristic whinge.
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