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Old 27th October 2005, 05:17 AM
syllabus23 syllabus23 is offline
Join Date: Jan 1970
Location: newcastle nsw
Posts: 436

I always use the retirement staking plan, there are no odds restrictions with it and its a well constructed method.

Hmm, probably been using my neural place system for a couple of years or more.I'm never going to hurt myself punting because I treat it as a hobby,lol and a challenge.

I like to go to the races and I usually jot down the neural numbers for each race.That way I can wander around and look at the horses,chat with the locals and I only need to put my brain into gear for the last two minutes of every race.

Taree on Tuesday was interesting (while I'm here,lol) There was a horse in Rockhampton called "Who's The Boss" It was favourite on three TAB's for most of the betting at around $3-50.The bookies working Rocky (three of em) were all laying the horse.In fact they all had it at $8.I thought that was a pretty incredible lay.Whenever the call came through saying $3-50 for Who's The Boss the **************s didnt turn a hair.Just left it at $8.

It did drift out to $4-50 late in the betting,ran ok til the last furlong,then packed up.What blew me away was that three bookies at Taree knew that a horse in Rockhampton was dead.

Please Explain..................................Cheers,, Bill.
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