27th October 2005, 12:11 PM
Join Date: Aug 2005
Posts: 318
Absolutely correct POST. Also. the Eastern coast Juvenile colts look alot stronger than most of the Western colts, but I happen to like STEVIEWONDERBOY from California right now. FIRST SAMURAI (the "toppy") is getting mature and seems to have lost his greenness. His last race was his best.
Here's the main rub on this one: Jerry Bailey decided to stay in Saratoga for one mount on Haskell Day in New Jersey (monmouth park) where he rode eventual winner ROMAN RULER in the Million dollar race. First Samurai was in a non-descript allowance that day and Bailey had never ridden the two year old. Obviously, trainer Frank Brothers had said, "this one is special Jerry. Wanna ride him?" JD had to catch a private plane to a non scheduled airport(due to a plane crash on the closer airport), and then catch a helicopter to Monmouth.
What mount that day do you think meant more to Bailey. Roman Ruler($1 mill) or First Samurai($50K)? Says alot!
Still, after all that, I like STEVIEWONDERBOY and hope for a nice price.