30th January 2003, 06:33 PM
Join Date: Jan 1970
Posts: 54
I'm with you Xanadu even with regards to the sharemarket. I treat my shares as a long term investment and if they fire up early thats even better.
My place method is currently running at a 72% strike rate but I do spend hours waiting on the right race and dividend. Only one bet today for a place on City Express in the 5th at Gatton, managed to snare $3 for the place.
Place system is currently operating at 38% POT after 4 months. Don't know why I don't just bet this way but like every one else I like to have the thrill of snaring a winner.
You are right about the bank, I started small and have had to set a limit I am comfortable with so have skimmed a little off the top for the General's Ice Cream's!
Remember I put 25% of the bank up each bet and so far I've been lucky.
I think most punters lack one very essential element and that is PATIENCE. I prefer to wait for the bet to come to me, not try and force one. This comes from experiance of cursing myself for having a bet when I wasn't sure of my selection!
I would be a very rich man if I could have some of those bets back.