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Old 31st January 2003, 06:22 AM
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Join Date: Jan 1970
Location: Adelaide
Posts: 139

GeneralGym wrote...
"I think most punters lack one very essential element and that is PATIENCE. I prefer to wait for the bet to come to me, not try and force one. This comes from experiance of cursing myself for having a bet when I wasn't sure of my selection!
I would be a very rich man if I could have some of those bets back."

ah yes, how very , very important.

There is something that wants to drive us to have that bet that doesnt quite fit all the criteria isnt there.
But you are correct, if you are uncertain then dont place the bet. There is always the next bet and you have to be patient, especially if you are betting the place because it might take two or three successful bets to recover the one bad bet.

And I do agree that if I hadnt had all those iffy ones I would sure be a lot better off :smile:

Patience, thats the secret.

see ya
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