31st January 2003, 04:11 PM
Join Date: Nov 1999
Location: Newcastle, NSW
Posts: 1,492
Gooday fellas,
Well, no matter how diligently we all study the form and search for value bets, the one factor that will "muddy the waters" is the regular "boat races" which are happening in races with less than 7 starters.
For example, today at Werribee, 31.1.03,
Race 5, was a classic example(note, I mentioned this in a recent post). Spurious, a well-credentialled horse was well supported, as was Spontane. Well.......Spurious could not even run a place and guess what!...... the outsider of the field won.... Our Obe(ever heard of it?).
But hey!.... we have to use this to our advantage and include the longshot in our multiples in small fields. I think this is the genesis of a potential profit-making system - disregard form, class of runners etc....and concentrate on the outsider in small fields as someone is obvously benefiting from backing exotics in these races, particularly on interstate TAB's.....makes you wonder....