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Old 2nd February 2003, 08:43 PM
Tony Tony is offline
Join Date: Jan 1970
Posts: 73

I have been playing around with favourites again and found the following which I hope may be of some interest:

Metropolitan Saturday favourites from July 2001 to end Dec 2002 won:

808/2772 or 29.1% S/R for 18.3 % loss on turnover.

Of these, those carrying the limit weight or up to 1.5 kg over the limit (before claims) won:

198/649 or 30% S/R for 3% lot.

Using the following filters:

(i) Eliminate first uppers
(ii) Include only if career starts = 5 – 25,
these then won:

154/464 or 33% S/R for 4.5% profit on turnover.(average Div 3.15)

This profit figure is based on NSWTAB so
Div-Plus could be conservatively expected to add 0.1 of a point per 2 winners, increasing pot to 6%

Any other ideas for tweaking the figures while I have the spread sheet handy, or perhaps someone may be able to run this over a longer time-frame?
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