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Old 5th November 2005, 09:50 PM
Makybe Diva Makybe Diva is offline
Join Date: Oct 2005
Posts: 1,031

Here is the market after the Emirates:

Stix: $0
Matilda: $0
DownbyLaw: $0
Rudolph: $3750
Bl4dez: $0
Zlotti: $0
Kanga: $40000
Davez: $0
Wesmip1: $736
IjuandaQld: $0
Andrew057: $0
Horse Whisperer: $1000
Bennyg: $3000
Pjjp: $0
Chrome Prince: $0
Chuck: $32800
Raw Instinct $0
A4Brianp: $300
Sportz $4000
Dale: $3300
Real Deal: $2043
Enjoying Insanity: $687
Mad: $3000
Brave Chief $2051.40
Puma Kid $1067.5
Duritz $0
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