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Old 7th November 2005, 10:31 AM
Stix Stix is offline
Join Date: Apr 2005
Posts: 3,012

Originally Posted by Stix
Race 1 - 1 Mazunda / 7 King Alfred / 12 Krasky / 3 Tempo - 11,4,16,9
Race 2 - 8 Follow The Till / 1 Super Savings / 4 Barlagarney - 11,3,2,6
Race 3 - 2 The Boot* / 3 Angkhasa / 4 Aztec Smytzer / 8 Opter - 1,7,5,9
Race 4 - 3 Lords Are Leaping / 2 Zipping / 9 Utility - 8,4,1,7
Race 5 - 6 Glamour Puss* / 1 Cape Of Good Hope / 9 Queen Of The Hill - 5,2,7,8
Race 6 - 6 Calveen** / 1 Desert War / 3 Miss Potential - 4,5,2,7,8
Race 7 - 1 Confectioner / 4 Studebaker / 15 Douro Valley / 12 Colesce - 8,2,5,6
Race 8 - 8 Aqua D'amore** / 19 Alaana's Song / 12 Full Spec - 10,9,15,3,16
Race 9 - 3 Butten Shaw / 4 Cargo Cult / 5 Shadowmaker / 6 Exalted Ego - 7,12,8,1
(* = confidence)
R1 - 16-7-3
Had a small saver on the reverse tri... and snavelled a little piece of it - not a total disaster

R2 - 3-8-4
Again Reverse tris saved me enuff to cover myself

R3 - 4-8-7
Lost on The Boot but made it back with:
4 - WON $6.9 $2.0
8 - 2nd $2.6
QN - $29.6
EX - $85.2
TR - $424.5
1st4 - $2,106

R4 - 2-5-3
Wild Classic knocked me over and spat me out...

R5 - 6-7-1
Happy Days...
6* - WON $5.70 $1.8 (biggest bet for the day)
1 - $1.70
QN - $35.0
EX - $49.90
TR - $272.2
1st4 - $1679.80

R6 - 10-14-8
Wipe out.....

R7 - 2-12-3
Reverse tri saved a little bacon

R8 - 15-7-8
Save a little bit on Aqua D'amore.... wipe out elsewhere (not even the reverse tri could hel Sportz !)

R9 - 4-1-5
Very nice finish......
4 - WON $6.00 $2.40
5 - 3rd $2.8
QN - $36.9
EX - $78.50
TRI - $282.2
1st4 - $2032.2
.......Giddy Up..... !!
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