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Old 14th November 2005, 07:19 PM
Debug Debug is offline
Join Date: Jan 1970
Posts: 72

This has nothing to do with staking but a simple method I sometimes use to control a string of outs. It is used with an automated program when betting on every race.

The idea is to keep betting when you are winning and stop betting as soon as you come up with a loss until such time as another win is detected.

Here is an example:

Win keep betting
Win keep betting
Lose Lost bet (stop betting)
Lose no bet
Lose no bet
Lose no bet
Lose no bet
Win no bet (resume betting next race.)
Win keep betting
etc etc.

It can turn a losing day into a winning day, but it can also be disastrous when there is alternate wins and losses.

I should mention that the program continues making selections and calculating bets even though it may not be making bets
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