Thread: Time to move on
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Old 15th November 2005, 02:53 PM
BJ BJ is offline
Join Date: Jan 1970
Posts: 479

Originally Posted by bigwaz
Hi all,

I've spent the last 4 years following the horses seriously, spending countless amounts of hours on the computer and filling about 30 excercise books full of systems. Althogh it was fun i just dont have the time to do it anymore. Over the years i've come up with a few systems that have been quite successful so i'm going to put them on this thread. Here goes.


Grab the morning paper and circle all favs for any race/meeting. From these selections only consider the horses that have a jockey or trainer that has made the top 100 list on With the selections you have now you need to compare their barrier postion they had in their last race to the barrier they have in today's race(i use You now need to do the same thing with their weight. Add the two differences together then add the position of their last race.

For eg.

Barrier weight Last position
Last race- 2/11/2005 4 56.5 2/10

Todays race 5 56.5

Difference 1 + 0 + 2 = 3

Your selection will be the horse that has the lowest score under 5

This system works well with place selections. I followed it for about 10 weeks and from 60 selections there was 51 place getters. Ave div was between
$1.5 - $2.


I followed Mark Reids hot tips for about 3 months and although they weren't very consistant he did have a bit of success with horses that were first race back from a spell. The above Barrier, weight, position system works very well with his selections. In 3 months their was only 7 selections but all 7 came in winners so it's worth a look at.


This system works well with midweek races. Big juicy odd's are quite common with this one.

The rules are simple, Only consider horses that have raced in a Group 1,2 or 3
in at least one of it's last four races and is the only horse in the field to have done so. With the right filters it could work a lot better but odd's up to $15 are common.

These systems do need a bit of patience but can be rewarding. Best of luck

Cheers, Bigwaz

I take it you are not leaving to be a salesman. That is possibly the worst sales pitch I have ever heard.
Here are some winning systems. I do not need them anymore because I am quitting the punt.

Glad you are not asking for money.
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