Thread: Blood Counts
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Old 23rd November 2005, 11:58 AM
xanadu xanadu is offline
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Before I respond I would like to emphasise that I took a bit of "literary licence" with some of my statements with a view to generating a diverse range of responses and it appears this has resulted.
gazman-yeah good point but you still think there will be no value to punters?
jonron-no offence taken, more importantly, I'm interested in your views.
1) where do you think the prizemoney comes from....from wagering turnover via the Govt, but still sourced from those long pockets of the long suffering betting public.
2) agree with you
3) lighten you really think that we punters actually believe that we "own" the horseflesh?
4) disagree with you here... this is the insular thinking which pervades this industry but I respect your right to your opinion.
5) I was relating to raceday change of tactics which, yes, is now brought to punters' attention by stewards on raceday. The officials should be commended for this.
6) true, in punting you get out of it what you put into it, a theme I have highlighted for some time now in my various threads.

Lady Frisco- the point(s) you make are valid but I can't agree with you on the value angle. We beg to differ on this matter but I appreciated the feedback.
Any other thoughts out there?

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