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Old 26th November 2005, 04:37 PM
crash crash is offline
Join Date: Jan 1970
Location: gippsland lakes/vic
Posts: 5,104

Sorry about that sportz. Bris. was dead and I only back 'good' tracks, Melb/Adelaide. I just listened to the 7th. in Bris. though And Imperialism would have easily won, but badly blocked in the very late stages. [one of my picks here before the rain put me off].

My 'Crash's tips' on this page scored in Melb. [and the comp] Charmed Lady [IAS] $14.30 and my straight 2/11 [not boxed] exacta $96.21 which I had 20 units on for $20:-) ].
My other straight win was Ralley in Adelaide $8.99. Warned all [my thread] to forget any track that wasn't good so I'm a happy man and hope a few got on board as I rarely [never actually] put up a tip thread [been a bit bored].

Might even take the Handbrake out for fish and chips and a rum and coke in the park down by the lake tonight.
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