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Old 1st December 2005, 10:33 PM
crash crash is offline
Join Date: Jan 1970
Location: gippsland lakes/vic
Posts: 5,104

Slow night Stebbo ? Me too.

Firstly, so my position on this subject cannot be misconstrued by anyone: I have never said anywhere, no mechanical [or rating based] system cannot make a profit [that would be an absurd and unprovable axiom]. My thrust is that mechanical or even rating based systems are inferior to handicapping.

You wrote:

"I find doing the form tedious - but I can sit up till all hours designing a new system, pulling it to bits and finding out how it works and trying to predict how it will go into the future. Seeing all that hard work come to fruition and picking some good winners is just as enjoyable to me as backing the winner based on form study".

Lets get that one out of the way. I agree, horses for courses.
I too enjoy messing with systems. Mainly because I do serious form study for about 4/6 races a week [mostly starting very early Fri. for Sat. Races]. My tennis is crap, the fishing here is stuffed and I'm not too big on gardening. Messing with systems and speed handicapping [10min.for a race], gives me something to do here in God's waiting room.

Now to deal with a bit off possible smoke and mirrors[?] in your post. you stated:

"I have made a profit each year for the past 3 financial years based upon systems, both mechanical and ratings based (my first year was only a few months so not a full year). I have doubled my turnover each year as well, again based purely on systems. I couldn't support the level of turnover that I currently have without being even a little bit profitable".

I'm not sure if you are being deliberately ambiguous or not here. You say you have 'doubled' your turnover' every year for 3 yrs.. Turnover does not necessarily come from profit. Are you saying you have double it from profit? 100% profit each year for 3 yrs? Even I couldn't achieve that feat and I'm a decent lier. If that is not what you meant, you have not mentioned any profit/outlay ratio [units please not $$$] for any of your methods/systems.

Lets clear up those little points before we move on.
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