25th February 2003, 08:01 AM
Join Date: Jan 1970
Posts: 73
The arb. win either way method is great if you can manage it but you still have to guess which way a horses odds are going to go before your initial move. Can get an idea from IAS odds for eg. but if things don't go as expected you may be forced to close out the "trade" with a potential loss on one side. Also requires a large account dt marginal, albeit certain return if things do pan out.
The big attraction for most I think is just the ability to lay horses, this being obviously a heck of a lot easier than backing them.
As backing all favourites at SP gives an 18% lot, and as bookies have long proven, there is a fair bit going for laying favs.
The interesting thing is how far the stampede to the sell side is going to erode this losing margin creating other opportunities. It is hard to predict, for my dull mind anyway, how such a seismic shift in betting arrangements is going to eventually impact on markets and betting behaviour overall.
[ This Message was edited by: Tony on 2003-02-25 12:40 ]
[ This Message was edited by: Tony on 2003-02-25 12:43 ]