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Old 5th December 2005, 08:33 AM
Winston_Smith Winston_Smith is offline
Join Date: Dec 2005
Posts: 25

Originally Posted by jfc
Those 2 samples of ~10,000 each were extracted from a database of over 1 million runs. They are far bigger than any comparable ones here, therefore more significant.
Sorry but just because the stats comes from 1 million runs does not make them "signficant.". you said "significantly better" and I ask you again to justify how you can make that claim.
And the stats at the bottom of your most recent post are useless. please define how you "measure excess wins and places over expected:". until you have a valid measurement of "expected" then those stats are worthless. and you should know better than to ask us to accept them without such explanation. this is the sort of thing you berate others for so please dont fall into their trap.
Thank you. Winston.
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