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Old 26th February 2003, 05:25 PM
becareful becareful is offline
Join Date: Jan 1970
Location: Canberra
Posts: 730


If the highest price showing on the bet side is $3.00 then you can request a higher value by clicking on the bet side and entering the price and volume you want. Eg If you wanted to try to get say $3.40 for $100 then you would enter those values - your bet would appear as an unmatched bet on the Lay side of the screen (indicating you want someone to lay the horse at $3.40 to match your bet).

They only covered Sydney and Melbourne last Saturday so dont know when or if they will be expanding to the other states.


If you are backing and laying both bets on Betfair then the commission is only charged on your profit - so if you back for a given price and lay it at even 1% less you will make a small profit. If you are backing with another bookie/exchange and laying on Betfair (or vice-versa) then you will need at least a 5% difference to make a profit. In your example yes you could make a profit by backing on Betfair and laying on Twoflys (provided you can get both bets on before the prices change - this is your only risk).

As an example last night I was checking some tennis prices and happened to notice that one market was only 99.6% with around $500 available to back on one player and several thousand on the other. In one minute with no risk I had made around $10 regardless of which player won the match.
"Computers can do that????" - Homer Simpson
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