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Old 4th February 2012, 12:35 PM
Neurokahuna Neurokahuna is offline
Join Date: Sep 2006
Posts: 18

HI Puntz,

I've been caught out in this same issue before and the Unitab XML feeds can be a little misleading in this respect.

It may relate to the format of the date you are using in cell A1. I notice you have it in YYYY/MM/DD format, but I've found that when it is a single digit day and single digit month (i.e. 2012/01/04), Unitab's xml feed can't interpret it. It needs to be changed to 2012/1/4

To reformat cell A1, right-click on it, select Format Cells, then Numbers tab, then Custom from the Formattingh Options.

In the 'Type:' field, enter 'YYYY/M/D' and it should now display the date as 2012/1/4, instead of 2012/01/04.

Don't worry, it will still interpret 2012/10/10 correctly.

Hope this helps.

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