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Old 31st March 2005, 09:47 AM
Duritz Duritz is offline
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Default The New Tipping Comp

OK if you've been following the other thread about this topic you'll have noted that we're trying to work out the details for the next tipping comp. I have come up with an idea for one, and I'll give it a go at running it too. Here's the rules:

-- All Saturday and Public Holiday meetings.
-- Choose between 1 and 10 selections, from any venue in Australia that NSW tab is betting on.
-- Theoretical $1 the win on each selection you choose, declared at NSW tote prices.
-- If you're selection wins, your score goes up by the PROFIT from the selection (ie if it wins and pays $4.50, your score goes up by $3.50), and if it loses, your score goes DOWN by $1.

That's it. Simple, easy. As I said in the other thread, it does have advantages -

1 - You can pick faves or roughies.
2 - The comp doesn't go skewiff is someone bags too big a winner, because you get ten selections if you should want that many to catch them up again.
3 - There's no disadvantage to only picking say 1 horse, because a losing bet registers as a -$1 anyway.
4 - Versatility as to which races you target, completely up to you.
5 - If you have to miss a meeting, it's OK as you're score just remains the same, and as scores aren't constantly increasing then remaining the same is OK.

I should add a sub rule though - which is this:

*** If you miss more than 1 meeting in a month, for that meeting your score goes DOWN by $10, ie you are assumed to have had ten selections and backed ten losers.

We'll start it this Saturday, and assess how it is going at the end of April.

Good luck all, post your tips here if you want to be involved!!!!

Oh yeah, post them by midday on the Saturday, to keep it fair, and if your first race is prior to midday, post them before your first race......
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Old 31st March 2005, 09:55 AM
Real Deal Real Deal is offline
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I like the idea and will definately be involved. It is exactly the way i like to bet-pick out a few specials around the country on a saturday and only bet on them. Scratchings obviously refunded?
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Old 31st March 2005, 10:06 AM
Sportz Sportz is offline
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Yes. Obviously if you get a scratching it would be just counted as a refund or $0.

Here's one thing though. Some people like to put their tips in on Friday and can't update on Saturday after final scratchings are known. If someone does this and only picks one horse which ends up being a scratching, theoretically they haven't had a bet that week. What do we do here?

Good idea about the -$10 by the way Duritz.
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Old 31st March 2005, 10:13 AM
Duritz Duritz is offline
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In the case of what Sportz just mentioned, I think the best thing to do is add a second selection, but state that it is an emergency. You could thereotically put as many emergencies as you like. This will stop that problem, because otherwise someone who is leading could put in one selection, who perhaps could ALREADY be scratched, and bypass the no tips rule. I don't think people would actually do that, but just in case.

Otherwise, yes if you only have one selection and neglect to have any emergencies and your selection is scratched, ten big ones goes the negative!!

PS - I am subject to that. I have often had to post on the Friday, so the rule is no advantage to me...
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Old 31st March 2005, 02:36 PM
Duritz Duritz is offline
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Yeah so let me know if you want to be in so I can get a good idea of numbers. As I said, it'll start this weekend, which means you can actually start posting now, as acceptances are through. No point posting "before acceptances" as the saying goes.
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Old 31st March 2005, 02:51 PM
Sportz Sportz is offline
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I'll have a go.
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Old 31st March 2005, 03:01 PM
zorro zorro is offline
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How long do you intend this comp to run?
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Old 1st April 2005, 12:13 AM
Duritz Duritz is offline
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Oh it'll run forever, of course. Until I die. And I'm 28, so.....

Just kidding. We'll see how it's going at the end of April. If it's going well we'll extend it, or euthanase it. First checkpoint is end of April, anyway.
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Old 1st April 2005, 04:55 AM
zorro zorro is offline
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Sounds OK I'm in.
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Old 1st April 2005, 05:12 AM
Random Random is offline
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Default new tipping comp

count me in
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