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Old 23rd September 2003, 08:44 AM
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Join Date: Jan 1970
Location: Adelaide
Posts: 146

being involved in sport via the internet I am reasonably experienced in website issues, and would have to say that none of the betting websites has it right. I have thrown in a few other items for discussion purposes :smile:

Here is what I would like to see, and would consider the minimum standard...

1. the front page should carry industry news items, and should be updated many times per day. Recently the NSW TAB carried a front page that was 19 days old.

2. the betting area should carry a "todays bets" page like Unitab where you can see the status of all results at a glance.

3. the betting process should be simple like the NSW TAB method where you can bet win and place in the same step with easy access to other bets.

4. the results of all previous races should include the prices at close and be available for the previous few years.

5. at a glance you should be able to look at all your previous bets over previous days/ weeks/ months etc...
and if you have a problem with a bet it should be FREE to query the bet.

6. you should have an ability to cancel a bet but only up until a minute before the jump. Nobody should be able to cancel a bet in the last moments or after the race has commenced.

7. there should also be incentives to encourage people to bet early and measures to prevent huge price crashes in the last minutes.

8.if a race is started, but then halted ( as sometimes happens in trots) and rerun later that day all bets should be cancelled and the betting process retarted.

9. TAB websites turn over a massive amount of web traffic yet ignore the advertising revenue that they could receive. There is virtually no promotion going on with the websites. There is little desire by the websites to ask what we want.

10. They are all s**ithouse at communicating with their customers. Why dont I receive a daily email each morning with the days racing and sports betting activities laid out. Why doesnt that email contain info about the events and tips etc... it would only take one competent person to produce such an email each day of the week yet it would surely increase revenue.

anyhow, just a few thoughts.
I would give the TAB websites 5/10 for their efforts, not a very good mark for an industry turning over billions of dollars per year.

what do you think,

see ya
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