12th February 2005, 08:04 AM
Join Date: Jan 1970
Location: NSW
Posts: 53
Gosford 10/2/05 R7 and 8
I analyse horse racing using a time based method. I have a question on the time run for these two races. (98.2 and 98.35 secs)
Given the class of the race the times run seem to be slow. A MDN was run at 98.0 sec in race 3. My calculations show that perhaps the time for these races was 1 second quicker. Does anyone have video collection that the times could be checked from or was there a lot of wind around late in the evening that would have effected the race time? I have asked the Gosford Race Club the question regarding the race times and I am wait for a reply.
Does anyone else agree with this or noticed the abnormality?