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Old 1st April 2010, 11:56 PM
partypooper partypooper is offline
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Default Meetings to avoid

I ask this question on this forum as I know many punters follow Unitab radio picks.

I have a plan that is so close to doing well but thwarted by a few bad meets. I don't want to go metro only as it's the T/O that I want.

Now in WA&NT I have it sussed, i.e. I include all country meets EXCEPT, Mt Barker, Broome, Narrogin, Darwin all seem to consistently perform badly.

From the other states I'm not so sure, so many country meets I;m not so familiar with dare I say it "hick towns" not knocking anyone, just trying to improve s/r.

Some that I've noticed are, Colac, Stoney creek, Cowra, Gilgandra, Bairnsdale.

I appologise in advance to any forum members who live there, the places are probably idylic, I'm only talking about the performance of tips at those venues.

If anyone would like to add to the list please do???

I suppose what I'm trying to do is delete the meets with very limited Horses available.
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Old 2nd April 2010, 07:14 AM
thorns thorns is offline
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Not from using UniTAB radio selections, but I have always found Moonee Valley, in particualr night meetings an absolute graveyard. Dont know if its the tight nature of the track, the short finishing straight, or whatever else, but I just find it next to impossible to find winners and losers there. I have one lay method which works on all Metro venues throught Oz, but Mooneey Valley just turns the method upside down.
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Old 2nd April 2010, 11:12 AM
Chrome Prince Chrome Prince is offline
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Thorns, how does Canterbury day/night perform, I would thin similar to the Valley.

Party I received your email, but have been pretty unwell of late.
I don't think I can help you, as I don't have records of tipsters at all.
I do have Unitab ratings for metro races, but I gave away recording them, as I couldn't find they were any better than other methods.
The best raw ratings are Techform in conjuction with opening track prices as an overall mixed bag of lollies.
The very best are the Read prices normalized to 100%, betting the overs
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Old 2nd April 2010, 12:06 PM
partypooper partypooper is offline
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Chrome, Hi and thanks for your post, yes I thought maybe you hadn't been too good, I know about it too, I've got "Bursitis" of the right shoulder, I'm in pain 24x7.

Anyway, Unitab radio tips: yes my research shows babout 25% S/R and the usual 15% LOT. which is as you say about the same as most tipsters.

I'll have a gander at Techform, also I presume you mean IAS fixed prices? and I guess by normalised you mean multiply the prices by the % i.e. 4-1 in a 120% book becomes 4.80-1?? etc etc

I've heard that the opening prices on racing Radio (Turf Talk) are also very accurate, but I'm a bit of an owl I'm afraid and the shows a bit early for me, though I guess it would be fairly easy to record it?
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Old 2nd April 2010, 01:49 PM
thorns thorns is offline
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Originally Posted by Chrome Prince
Thorns, how does Canterbury day/night perform, I would thin similar to the Valley.

Party I received your email, but have been pretty unwell of late.
I don't think I can help you, as I don't have records of tipsters at all.
I do have Unitab ratings for metro races, but I gave away recording them, as I couldn't find they were any better than other methods.
The best raw ratings are Techform in conjuction with opening track prices as an overall mixed bag of lollies.
The very best are the Read prices normalized to 100%, betting the overs
Yip, your correct, Canterbury is another one that doesnt seem to like me. Do you happen to have a reason why, or thoughts on the matter seeing as you managed to guess correctly that it is probably simliar to Moonee Valley?
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Old 3rd April 2010, 10:17 AM
Michal Michal is offline
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Just a small thought on night races!

From what I know , which isnt much, horses generaly dont stay up late. They dont watch TV till 10.30 pm. They go to 'bed' fairly early and rise early !

Night racing then puts this upside down for them, and as they are not used to it , like the trots, then this tends to produce unexpected results due to the horses being taken out of their normal routine.

Works for me , I dont like night racing ! We certainly dont need it !

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Old 3rd April 2010, 11:06 AM
peter m peter m is offline
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Originally Posted by Michal
Just a small thought on night races!

From what I know , which isnt much, horses generaly dont stay up late. They dont watch TV till 10.30 pm. They go to 'bed' fairly early and rise early !

Night racing then puts this upside down for them, and as they are not used to it , like the trots, then this tends to produce unexpected results due to the horses being taken out of their normal routine.

Works for me , I dont like night racing ! We certainly dont need it !

Not that I'm an ************ but I thought exactly the same thing. Horses are a creature of habit, early to rise early to bed etc. Whilst looking at a few ideas whenever I look at a night meeting it throws a spanner in the works
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Old 3rd April 2010, 11:08 AM
peter m peter m is offline
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Is **** pert a banned word or something?
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Old 3rd April 2010, 08:17 PM
thorns thorns is offline
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Originally Posted by peter m
Is **** pert a banned word or something?
Makes sense I guess. Although Im not sure of the word that is censored??

Been drinking to many reds after a good day on the punt may explain it though.
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Old 3rd April 2010, 11:15 PM
partypooper partypooper is offline
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The "Reds would definitly explain it, especially the clear skins at my local at the mo,, no joke $4 a bottle ...... and its nectar!! Merlot.... mmmmmm!

just as well, got caught up with a a customer today and missed my bet on WERD in the last....... it will take along time to recover!!!!!! the B didnt buy to make it worse!! HHMMMMMNNN!

Last edited by partypooper : 3rd April 2010 at 11:18 PM.
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