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Old 1st June 2005, 06:30 PM
Raw Instinct Raw Instinct is offline
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This going to come down so close to a tie it isn't funny on my calculations maybe I am wrong but it is very very close.
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Old 1st June 2005, 06:43 PM
Sportz Sportz is offline
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I'll toss a coin.
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Old 1st June 2005, 11:46 PM
Duritz Duritz is offline
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Well, it was a thrilling finish. It was a beauty. A finish worthy of the annals of racing history (that's annals with TWO n's), worthy to be hung up in TAB's and back yard bar's like the old triple dead heat in the Hotham Hcp. And what would the caption say? Something like this I reckon: "Testa hangs on in a beauty!" because, yes, as Sportz alluded, Tuesday being the final day of May was supposed to be the final day of the comp, I just thought it'd be good to end it on a Wednesday, so extended it a day, but when I extended it I did not consider that I might make some final burst (of which I thought I was incapable) to pinch it, I just wanted to extend the drama a little. For me, the drama is as fun as the comp itself.

So, well done Testa. It's a much deserved win. You led basically all the way, and those horses are the ones which I most admire. You held strong, and deserve to win the comp.

Enjoy the champagne and multiple naked buxom blondes which I assume will follow.

Well done all for participating, thanks for the help and thanks for the support. Sorry if I ain't always been that efficient though.

So, kiddies, the next comp?
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Old 2nd June 2005, 06:02 AM
Sportz Sportz is offline
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Originally Posted by Duritz

as Sportz alluded, Tuesday being the final day of May was supposed to be the final day of the comp,

Ummm, I don't think I said anything about that??
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Old 2nd June 2005, 08:24 AM
Duritz Duritz is offline
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Posts: 956

ah yeah sorry Sportz, Testa said that. Don't know why I thought you said that. Getting posts confused. Reading them at midnight probably doesn't help either.....

So, in finality, here is the FINAL table for the Tipping Comp, with Testa taking his rightful place at it's top:

player Profit/loss
testarossa $26.2
raw instinct $11.0
sirpent $6.6
mercurial -$2.3
zorro -$8.0
Goldcoaster -$12.2
Duritz -$13.2
Heavyweight -$19.4
Sportz -$26.3
feather -$26.7
Seeker11 -$30.4
bl4dez -$30.5
Svenvlad -$33.3
Random -$40.2
Chuck -$44.2
kiwi -$58.9

Well done Testa, your tips were really solid. You consistently found winners, and they were consistently a good price. What struck me was your ability to find winners at the $7 - $8 mark so often. You deserve all the spoils of victory. (And of course the big t***ed blondes )
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Old 2nd June 2005, 04:50 PM
Join Date: Jan 1970
Location: Wyong , NSW
Posts: 1,139

Thanks very much Duritz, and thanks for running the comp but it was ok with me that you tipped on the Wednesday as i wouldn't have tipped even if i knew.

You could use yesterday as start of the June comp, you would be already outta sight and those big t***ed beauties would have already left me and be heading after you
Good luck and good punting.

And remember a profit a day keeps the Girlfriend/Wife away.
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Old 2nd June 2005, 07:11 PM
Duritz Duritz is offline
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Posts: 956

LOL yeah, send 'em down.

As to the June comp, I think Sportz has something in mind, a good idea actually, one that has been bandied about by a few different people, something that would, IMO, work well. Have a look in that thread Raw started entitled Sportz or Duritz.

For now, I'll let the tipping comp pause. Am quite, quite busy with other stuff right at the mo. Enjoy it, but also there's something to be said for keeping a thing fresh and new, such as a new type of tipping comp will do.

If anyone else wants to run a comp, just do so. I might do this one again in a month or two, we'll see how we're going. But now, support Sportz's idea.
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