14th February 2006, 03:32 PM
Join Date: Jan 1970
Location: gippsland lakes/vic
Posts: 5,104
If they could ride why are they stuck in the bush?
I'm fed up with poor rides by hopeless jockeys at country tracks.
I think I should give up betting except on metro tracks, Wed. and Sat. I'm getting a bit sick of watching atrocious planning, poor and even just plain dumb maneuvers and watching them position their mounts with either no where to go, or getting a good sit far too late to do anything with it because they have worn the horse out getting there.
Yes there are some good country jockey's and a few good ones visiting from town, but for every one of those there are heaps that do nothing except get in their way [as often as they can].
If the ************s could ride well, they would be riding in town. As it is they are a traffic hazard with the occasional good run they just fluke. Why bother handicapping country races? Just get out the bl.... darts !!!