15th February 2002, 12:54 PM
Join Date: Jan 1970
Posts: 2,428
This plan has a very high strike rate .1)Conscentrate on the TAB 1st.3rd. & 4th. fav.2 min. before jump.(ignore the 2nd.fav.) 2)Always treat the fav. as $4.00 ,even if its paying less than that. 3)The race must have at least one runner paying $6.00 or more out of the 1st.2nd.or 3rd.favs.,otherwise no-bet 4)You now Dutch the bet by dividing the horses price on the TAB screen into your take-out figure E.g.$20 . So for example Your runners div. could be $4 $6 $7 divide this into your $20, outlays on each sel. would be $5 $3 $3=$11 5)The idea is to roughly break even on the on the fav. & profit on the other two when ever they get up 6)The other thing is, that there`s no form to study . 7)Strike rate is approx.55%-60%. ![Cool](images/smilies/cool.gif) Works on Horses, Dogs, Trots(where the fav.is $2 or more) Let us know how you go.