23rd January 2009, 10:54 PM
Join Date: Nov 1999
Location: Western Australia
Posts: 2,426
2 dumb comp questions!
First, using works (that's WORKS not word) when working on a spreadsheet control E, takes me to the last line of the doc, what I want to know (cos I forgot) what takes me back to line 1?
second, I have an old comp that used to work great with windows 98, but then my son loaded XP, it took it but only just, then we had a problem and it only works in safe mode. QUESTION: I want to wipe it clean and re-load it with windows 98 which will suffice for what I want, easy way to do it? (nb. there's nothing else on there that I need)
simple steps please if anyone can be bothered.
Last edited by partypooper : 23rd January 2009 at 10:56 PM.
Reason: spelling