15th May 2009, 09:28 AM
Join Date: May 2009
Posts: 2
Jumps racing and horse racing
Have a look at what's going on in jumps racing. It's cruel and an exploitation of horses that we don't have the right to do. If the horses knew they could be killed by making a bad jump I bet they wouldn't jump.
In fact I'll go one step further. The number of racehorses being killed each year by being sent to the knackeries is a blight on humanity. We do not have the right to exploit animals for our own selfish ends and then kill them as if they are discardable pieces of trash.
Any racehorse purchased should be purchased for life. That means the owner has a legal responsibility to take good care of the horse after its racing days are finished and by taking good care I DO NOT mean sending it to the knackery. The owner has a responsibility to look after the horse after its racing days are over or alternatively to find a good home for it.
Exploiting animals then prematurely ending their lives is a disgrace.