24th May 2009, 06:07 PM
Join Date: Apr 2009
Posts: 94
Originally Posted by crash
Put your money on! I think the most important thing in punting is to trust your own judgment...... Dutch betting should stay in Holland!
Most importantly IMHO, be aware of too much [useless] handicapping info. I have found the KISS principal works best. Tried and true.
Thanks crash. Now all I need is for another poster to say "Don't listen to crash! Put your money on and the sytem will fall apart. Keep watching it work without your money. Its fun to think the money you coulda made!" LOL
Seriously, you are right. I tend to get very involved with too much information, then I pull back and cut the filter sytem back as far as I can go. I have a minimum of four filters: horse's winning habits, jockey rating, class rating, and the horse's suitability to the particular race, ie at Sandown they need to run hard and finish strong, Moonee Valley fast around the tight bends with good acceleration (Kaphero?). What gets through those filters I have a serious lookat.