25th January 2011, 09:17 AM
Join Date: Oct 2005
Posts: 245
Barrier Trials
Hi all,....Last night I decided to watch the barrier trials on TVN, first time I did this since I got TVN on last august. They were the barrier trials from Randwick on 17 January. I couldnt believe how many races GW won, but then again she sure had a lot of entries and being at Randwick of course.
Got me thinking, does anyone keep stats as to how many horses that win a barrier trial go on to win their first up race, or maybe second up etc,...following that barrier trial win. I blackbooked the ones that looked like good wins to my naked eye. Upon their forthcoming starts I shall check their race profile and see how they have gone in their previous preps, so many horses just do the same thing over and over again.