4th December 2005, 06:46 AM
Join Date: Dec 2004
Posts: 172
Originally Posted by Bhagwan
Hi Marcus,
Just an observation, I notice the letter "R' has been omitted.
I beleive that one has to have a min of 4 years of stats to see if it has any long term legs to it. Even then there is no guarantee. But it is a stronger guarantee than something based on just one year .
I get confused where certain people use the word retrofitting as a derogatory term , the opposite to this is creating systems based on the future with results unknown as yet.
Past history is an excellent starting point when creating systems .
Hi Bhagwan!
You are right the letter R is missing, must have left it out of the control array.
May run it again. As you can see the number of records involved is quite large well over four years of data, but I think it is only of curiousity value.
Just for fun really, although I have seen systems sold for money that performed worse than some letters.
Last edited by marcus25 : 4th December 2005 at 06:59 AM.