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Old 1st February 2005, 11:58 PM
Mr ed Mr ed is offline
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Posts: 721

I wouldn't use a tipping service like this anyway, the fun of this game to me is using my own jugdement seeing the replays and spotting a great unplaced run etc. I reckon i'd be scrutinising these Specials and end up doing the form on the race myself anyway.
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Old 2nd February 2005, 08:29 AM
Filante Filante is offline
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Posts: 359

Originally Posted by Adrian
Dear All,
I have been betting on and off for 10-15 years and until recently had been contributing to the pockets of the bookies (and winning punters like you guys).

I had mainly been using the tips of others over that time and found that actual results over a period of time always seemed to vary from claims.

I for one am happy to be betting Propunter's super specials as part of their premium betting package, and a making a nice profit doing so. Even a 10% plus POT long term is still better than losing the average 15% totes take.

Sure you can get a run of outs - but the last 5 super specials have won over the last two weeks. Forget all the nonsense about making lots of bets just to get turnover - I don't know anyone that would complain about 5 from 5 who was serious about their punting.

If you know your expectancy theory its completely sound to "bet-up" on higher strike rates to achieve turnover.

That's right. And then, why put all your eggs in one basket? Like shares, you can have a portfolio of different systems/ selections methods/ tipsters you follow to spread the risk and soften the blow of one of them having the inevitable "run of outs". e.g

1. Pro-punter super specials.
2. Pro-punter gold specials.
3. Dave's tip of the day.
4. My zipform system.
5. Testarossa's best bets.
6. whatever

Each can have its own nominal "bank" and each its own staking plan dependent on strike rate and profitability.
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Old 2nd February 2005, 08:44 AM
Mr. Logic Mr. Logic is offline
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Posts: 243

If I was looking for negative meanings in written posts then that's what I would find. Life's too short for that. Some people should maybe lighten up a bit. I have nothing more to add and will depart from this thread.
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Old 2nd February 2005, 10:56 AM
Filante Filante is offline
Join Date: Jan 1970
Posts: 359

Mr Logic,

Your problem is that you are negative. You have not commenced one thread in the last three months. Then you offer up posts that are disingenuous, unhelpful and designed to ridicule.

Offer your tips, ratings and thoughts at how to win at racing.


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Old 2nd February 2005, 11:39 AM
Mark Mark is offline
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"Mr Logic,

Your problem is that you are negative. You have not commenced one thread in the last three months. Then you offer up posts that are disingenuous, unhelpful and designed to ridicule."

Anybody else spot Mr Logic's negativity?, I certainly couldn't.
Did spot a giant chip somewhere else though, & fully expect a serve from Filante, even though like Mr Logic, I was quite impressed by Filante's efforts.
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Old 2nd February 2005, 12:43 PM
Neil Neil is offline
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Posts: 804

Originally Posted by partypooper
I "thought" I was very realistic in my expectations , working with ideas that have shown around 20%POT on both past and actual results, not a system as such, just ratings with filters really, but hoping long term to clear 10% (on turnover). so we agree there, also I agree that the patience factor is THE factor.

Hi Party,

It was my experiences correctly playing blackjack that was a real eye opener for horse racing betting when it came to understanding possible losing runs - even for very high strike rate selections. When playing blackjack, each hand played can also be compared to a bet on a horse with a very high expectancy of winning.

One staggering figure which a friend of mine told me - he is now one of this country's foremost blackjack players - was that just playing a maximum bet of 1% bank for blackjack when the count was very good for the player gave a very realistic chance of losing the entire bank after so many thousands of hands were played. When he is back in Australia in a few weeks I can get the exact figures.

Punters often don't get to make the number of bets to really experience the statistical deviations which are actually par for the course over thousands and thousands of bets. Invariably if there is a minor losing run, punters alter things, assuming the selections are no good. In fact their selections might be fine.

When playing blackjack, counting cards accurately, there were times I had a good advantage over the house, but didn't win anywhere near 50% of the hands played. On a near level game with lower stakes where I should have won close to 50% of the hands, I've had runs winning just 20 or 30 out of 100 hands. Apply that to high strike rate horse selections and you can see what may happen - and if it does, that does not necessarily mean that anything was wrong with the selections.

Cheers, Neil

Last edited by Neil : 2nd February 2005 at 12:45 PM.
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