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Old 27th November 2005, 07:47 PM
dundas lane dundas lane is offline
Join Date: Jan 1970
Location: Melbourne Victoria
Posts: 38
Question Ratings or Assessments?

Hi crash,

Very much appreciate the time you've taken with this thread, it's been great reading.

If I could play devil's advocate for a moment, you say that you subscribe to a form guide with ratings, yet encourage people not to believe in the opinion of others; Isn't this a straight out contradiction?

I'm posing this as a question due to my belief that these ratings you are using are in fact no more than an assessment of a horse's performance rather than true ratings. For me, to secure a true rating, you need to include as many of the valid variables that are available at your disposal and rate them accordingly within a structured framework, something your service simply does not do. How can you justify spending the time determining the merits of a jockey change or a jump up in distance or a wide gate when next assessing a horse's chances, when the starting point given by your rating figure has not previously included this information?, it just doesn't make any sense.

I actually subscribe to the basic package on the same site and find it contains more than enough information for what I need. I compliment this service with a subscription to an online video replay site and tape as many races as I can to assist me with my selection process. Like you said, "I just 'do the form' and make my selections and decide how I'll bet them", add to that your thoughts on the types of races you target, and it's very similar paths we take in trying to find a winner.

Thanks again for this thread.

dundas lane .........
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Old 27th November 2005, 08:37 PM
crash crash is offline
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Originally Posted by dundas lane
Hi crash,

Very much appreciate the time you've taken with this thread, it's been great reading.

If I could play devil's advocate for a moment, you say that you subscribe to a form guide with ratings, yet encourage people not to believe in the opinion of others; Isn't this a straight out contradiction?

I'm posing this as a question due to my belief that these ratings you are using are in fact no more than an assessment of a horse's performance rather than true ratings. For me, to secure a true rating, you need to include as many of the valid variables that are available at your disposal and rate them accordingly within a structured framework, something your service simply does not do. How can you justify spending the time determining the merits of a jockey change or a jump up in distance or a wide gate when next assessing a horse's chances, when the starting point given by your rating figure has not previously included this information?, it just doesn't make any sense.

I actually subscribe to the basic package on the same site and find it contains more than enough information for what I need. I compliment this service with a subscription to an on-line video replay site and tape as many races as I can to assist me with my selection process. Like you said, "I just 'do the form' and make my selections and decide how I'll bet them", add to that your thoughts on the types of races you target, and it's very similar paths we take in trying to find a winner.

Thanks again for this thread.

dundas lane .........

Without putting too fine a point on it. You are a ****** Dunce. That form service does not supply my selections, I do you great big dill. It is how I use them you broken spanner. Obviously I am doing something right which you have completely missed [the point]. I need cretins like you as much as a hole in the head because I just know you are going to go on and on and on with your point. Which is [obviously], you haven't a clue how to make a buck at this game and should take up golf. I do not suffer fools gladly and you are a big one because your [expert?] 'summery' is not only absurd, but childish.

Serious comment or even criticism I will politely respond too, but fools I will give short shift too and you display all the symptoms of one.

Cheers and good luck with your golf handicap. It couldn't be worse than your punting one, obviously.

Last edited by crash : 27th November 2005 at 09:00 PM.
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Old 28th November 2005, 10:23 PM
dundas lane dundas lane is offline
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Hi crash,

I see that you’re a devotee of Donald Rumsfeld. Ask the question, then answer it in a manner you’d like it to be answered, or in this case, presetting the agenda so you’ll always end up looking like a winner no matter what, simple yet brilliant.

Problem for you is, it’s only the simple who are ever fooled!

The next time you claim to being a handicapper, don’t forget to mention the training wheels you use; wonky one’s at that.

101, 112, 105, 125, 117, 108, 120, 99, 102 …………………………..

dundas lane ……….

Ps I’d much rather discuss the issues at hand; if you’re ever interested.
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Old 29th November 2005, 04:28 AM
crash crash is offline
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Last edited by crash : 29th November 2005 at 04:47 AM.
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Old 29th November 2005, 04:40 AM
crash crash is offline
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Don't knock 'training wheels' [you obviously could use some] and if I'm still on them after 35+yrs. of handicapping, well maybe I should try going for my handicapping license now. What do you think?

You are the only 'issue' at hand here mate and I suggest you remove it and give yourself [it] a rest. You'll go blind otherwise:-)

Considering the success my tips had and the animosity it has attracted, rest assured that I will never bother repeating this exercise. My first time ever offering a tip thread and certainly my last.

Last edited by crash : 29th November 2005 at 04:52 AM.
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Old 29th November 2005, 08:07 AM
w924 w924 is offline
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"Considering the success my tips had and the animosity it has attracted,"

Hi Crash..I'm pretty certain that the tips had nothing to do with it [animosity]

That said..your tips blitzed mine on the day and I salute you. Congratulations!
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Old 29th November 2005, 08:37 AM
crash crash is offline
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Thanks w924.

I had a good day as you and others here do too. I also have bad days.

I was only ever trying to help other punters here, not prove anything about my handicapping ability. All I seem to have achieved is having one of the services I use denigrated as rubbish [nice rubbish if you know how to use it, is all I can say], for who knows what [real] reason. My solution to avoid that in the future is simple and has already been said in my previous post.

Cheers and thanks for the support.
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Old 29th November 2005, 08:47 AM
Stix Stix is offline
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Question Crash...........

Originally Posted by crash
Don't knock 'training wheels' [you obviously could use some] and if I'm still on them after 35+yrs. of handicapping, well maybe I should try going for my handicapping license now. What do you think?

You are the only 'issue' at hand here mate and I suggest you remove it and give yourself [it] a rest. You'll go blind otherwise:-)

Considering the success my tips had and the animosity it has attracted, rest assured that I will never bother repeating this exercise. My first time ever offering a tip thread and certainly my last.

I really have thought long and hard about posting a reply with regard to the posting behaviour of yourself and other forum members. (Maybe not long enough.... because here I am posting! )

I have an observation that I'd like to detail to you (and the other forum members) and as it is an observation, it in turn represents my opinion.

The first point I'd like to make is that your tips have been very good and I'm sure a number of forum members (and guest) have made money form them, which in turn is obviously appreciated.

The second point is that I'm not exactly sure if you know why you post them on the forum. At first I thought like most of us that "bear our punting soul" on a regular basis - with some good, bad and indifferent results - in an attempt to help your fellow punter, enjoy some glory and actively participate in a public forum and provide a vibrant forum for us members to benefit from.

However, I'm not entirely convinced that this is enough reward for your contribution. To incessantly, knowingly and actively object and demur other forum members contributions to the point of overbearing others views is not healthy and does not facilitate the core characteristic of what a public forum does - providing more than one point of view.

Baiting, goading and imperious behaviour really is self-indulgent and gratuitous to the point of being obtuse.

If it is unconditional love, approval, refinforcement, recognition, appreciation, praise acclaim.... or any other word for self-confirmation - I think you are going the wrong way about it.

It is equitable to presuppose that - from your own divulgence - you are a successful (?) conveyance in the Punting World.

But seriously mate, all the negativity is really disagreeable.

I admit that I have not been one to follow your tips - and not for any particular reason or issue - but I do take umbrage at your Modus Operandi.

In summary, your tips are appreciated (As all successful tips are !), but the negativity, goading and pursuit of self-proclomation as the "be-all-and-end-all" is not engaing.

Good Luck in the future (should you continue to post or not)

Yours In Punting

P.S. Mate, I don't know you from a bar of soap - but for f**k sake grow-up
.......Giddy Up..... !!
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Old 29th November 2005, 09:26 AM
w924 w924 is offline
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All I seem to have achieved is having one of the services I use denigrated as rubbish [nice rubbish if you know how to use it, is all I can say], for who knows what [real] reason.

Crash, I didnt't read it that way at all.(.If You are referring to what Dundas Lane (I think it was) wrote.

I have only read good things about the service you utilise.

Stix, you make some excellent points there..and writing things which I ( and surely others) have considered posting.

Yes its time everyone grew up and stopped the insults and esp the arrows for such ridiculous things such "bad" spelling..for Christs sake... nine times out of ten , the person having a go about anothers spelling makes just as many sp mistakes... ******? and what the hell does spelling have to do with reasoned discussion?

The great thing (well it should be) is that everyone can participate on this forum and be taken seriously regardless of educational background, or spelling ability. Provoking people to attack by name calling and ridicule is a fast track to animosity,. we get back what we put surely we owe it to ourselves to behave accordingly?

Thanks Stix

Last edited by w924 : 29th November 2005 at 09:47 AM.
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Old 29th November 2005, 09:55 AM
crash crash is offline
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The problem with perception in cyber space is that any form of challenge or criticism of others views is often seen as aggression when it very rarely is. I am not one to turn over and cop it up ....... just so some here can feel smug or self righteous. Anyone who has a point of contention regarding my views on racing [or anything], I'm quite happy to discuss the issue and don't view their point as aggression. However, if they want to play the man because they have perceived aggression [instead of a point] and feel challenged, I will repay in kind.

Hi Stix,
I hope you realize the implications of some of the stuff in your post and especially your last line [your real view perhaps?] I do appreciate your honesty though.
Please never take up teaching, because your 'lecture about positiveness' falls [just a little] short of the mark in it's obviously well meant goal.
I am not offended because you intentions were obviously kind. I do think you lost your initial purpose a bit though.

I think I will say no more on the subject, as you have said it yourself already and very ironically too. I think it describes your whole post far better than I could in so few words:
'But seriously mate, all the negativity is really disagreeable'.


Last edited by crash : 29th November 2005 at 09:58 AM.
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