14th June 2004, 11:19 PM
Did you all miss me?
I managed to get to a race meeting at a little place called Bangor-On-Dee, where I committed the great British faux pas. Looking at the bookies board's and having decided to place a bet, I moved in for the kill (the big 5 pounds e/w). The bookies all had very orderly lines in front of them & considering that the previous favourite had won I figured they were all lining up to collect. Confidently I strode up to the bookie and holding out my money, called out my bet. "Oy mate", came the cry from one of the lined up punters, "there's a line here". Apparently they were lining up to have a bet! Could you imagine this scene on an Australian racecourse??? "Oh yes, I'll just join the back of the line & watch my price get knocked off". Apart from this moment of acute embarrassment, (I was more embarrassed for them) it was an enjoyable afternoon.
Now down to business. Here's a quick quiz for you. These are the prices bet on a race at Leicester recently.
1.06, 26, 51, 67, 67, 101, 101, & 101.
What would you have done?
Answer tomorrow, after I've had about 15 hours sleep.
I managed to get to a race meeting at a little place called Bangor-On-Dee, where I committed the great British faux pas. Looking at the bookies board's and having decided to place a bet, I moved in for the kill (the big 5 pounds e/w). The bookies all had very orderly lines in front of them & considering that the previous favourite had won I figured they were all lining up to collect. Confidently I strode up to the bookie and holding out my money, called out my bet. "Oy mate", came the cry from one of the lined up punters, "there's a line here". Apparently they were lining up to have a bet! Could you imagine this scene on an Australian racecourse??? "Oh yes, I'll just join the back of the line & watch my price get knocked off". Apart from this moment of acute embarrassment, (I was more embarrassed for them) it was an enjoyable afternoon.
Now down to business. Here's a quick quiz for you. These are the prices bet on a race at Leicester recently.
1.06, 26, 51, 67, 67, 101, 101, & 101.
What would you have done?
Answer tomorrow, after I've had about 15 hours sleep.