18th January 2008, 02:19 PM
Join Date: Jan 1970
Posts: 4,417
Sorry King, but your post is just cementing the paranoia that opposers use to fight Betfair.
There are many ways to lay a horse without Betfair, in fact lots of ways just using the tote.
I see that you've seen a large amount get eaten up at what appears to be a high price and come to the conclusion it was a sting, only because the horse failed miserably.
Have you noticed the large amounts eaten up at well over the odds and the horse wins???
I have seen much larger than 50k.
Remember the Universal Queen plunge, well that horse was laid early for very large amounts until the jig was up.
So what did all these layers do before Betfair, how would they have laid the horse in question?
Would they just have let it go and thought, wish we could lay it?
No they would find another way, and they've been doing it for years.
I have owned horses and been around stables, although I don't care which friends have horses, because that's irrelevant to the argument.
I have yet to see a trainer anywhere, say this will run last.
If the horse is that bad they won't run it - and something really bad was wrong with the horse, which was only found out in running.
I am aware of such a similiar thing about to happen in the next week for a trainer to retreive lost EI revenue north of the border.
I really think you live in fantasy land.
If that were correct, that trainer could lose his licence, you think he'd risk it -I don't.
There is absolutely no substance to your claim other than the amount laid, and 50k is not a large amount.
A stewards report will probably verify that something like a nail in the hoof or similar happened.
You are forgettingthat all money on Betfair is identified, it is much easier to pull something sinister off in cash.