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Old 12th April 2009, 12:03 PM
Pauls123 Pauls123 is offline
Join Date: Oct 2005
Posts: 245

Thanks Crackone,

Upon reading your reply it made me look at the stats on R&S, its unreal just how many stats there are there. The stats I need are actually on that site. I've just been tossing some figures around here purely on the stats from R&S.

Her total number of favs over I think the last 7 seasons was 1892, of which 661 won which is 35%, not bad, but a loss of 13.6% for a flat $10 stake on them all, I would imagine this is based on the sp price.

I was then able to do a good analysis of her last 26 metrop favs. She had 9 winners. Had you backed them all at say $10 you would have got back $204 for your $260 outlay. But, had you layed them all at sp price with a $10 bet on each you would have made a profit of $56.

Then is her provincial last 26 favs. For 10 winners, but one was a 5/1 winner which put those ones in profit for backers. Outlay $260 for a return of $277 for $10 backers. Take out that 5/1 winner and then a profit of $23 for the $10 layers.

Still with me..?

So it does appear money can be made from laying Gai's favs.

About 6 months ago, I come up with another Gai system and wanted to trial it out. I used to read her site daily and pick up on any of her horses that were supposed to be fit and ready to win upon resuming from a spell, or hadnt won yet in the current prep. I would blackbook these and back them at the next 5 starts with a $2, $4, $6, $8, $10 bet, figuring I could lose 30 bucks on each horse. There was 2 horses that gave me a very nice profit, Royal Discretion when it won a big sprint race down at Caulfield and paid $31 with IAS top fluc, and also Theseo when it won the Epsom and another race paying around the $10 and $6 mark with IAS TF. Apart from these two horses, there were too many shortie favs that lost, so I took my nice little profit and ended that system.

Thats all for now,
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