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Old 29th July 2009, 07:02 PM
moeee moeee is offline
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Originally Posted by Crackone
Most betting plans come to about the same ROI, %wise just ran an old spread sheet that I have with three different betting methods.
1. 2% of highest bank
2. level stakes
3. betting to price to return set amount on each bet.

all where within 1% of each other in the end.
So what ever you think works bets for you should be the rule.

Nice Work.
Its been stated millions and zillions of times that you can ONLY win if the Odds are in your Favour.
Somehow this rule is difficult to comprehend.
You have proven it with your delving into your database.

But what you haven't noticed is the length and size of the losing runs.
This part of betting is VERY important because a Large loss in a short space of time can mean loss of your sanity.

I wonder if it is possible to run your program again and perhaps look at a graph of the UPS and DOWNS on the way to that 1% similarity at the end of the ride.

If you do, I'ld figure that the 3rd method would result in the less bumpy ride.
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