13th April 2011, 08:29 PM
Join Date: Jan 1970
Location: Melbourne
Posts: 5,359
Post Mortem Ballarat
If I got nothing else out of tonight, its enormous confidence in my ability.
I'm not STOOPID!!!
I could have been Oh So Clever after Race 8, but unfortunately I fell into the same ol' same ol'
The Favourite starts at way Odds On, therefore I throws my ratings out the window and instaed of slamming the race hard to take advantage of the Overlays, I ended up as usual, getting sucked in and obviously I'm wrong and they are right.
Fortunately I had some Daily Doubles and managed half a Unit.
And also as suggested in the relevant post, I managed half a Unit on the Quinella.
So a win, but very minor and these opportunities don't come up very often.....OR DO THEY???
Stay tuned for the Next Chapter.