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Old 17th December 2004, 10:20 AM
mug punta mug punta is offline
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Join Date: Jan 1970
Location: Melbourne
Posts: 388

Gday Mo. Thanks for taking the time to reply.
We are looking to spend around 2k and I guess im just worried about getting ripped off.
I mean I know the breeds of all the well known dogs but is there something you should be looking for with a pup or is it pure pot luck?
How do the trainers fees work? Do they simply take a % of evrything you win or are there set fees?
Are there additional costs for getting the dog to race?
How long from the dog being bought as a pup till it usually actually gets to the races?
Can you actually buy a dog that is about to race rather than a pup, but, the worry there I guess if it has any ability why are they selling it ?
Just any general advice from yourself or anyone out there who has owned dogs would be greatly appreciated.
I can tell you this much though mate, the dog wont be having the names Port or Power incorporated into it!
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