Thread: Durit's Prices
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Old 3rd January 2005, 10:09 AM
Duritz Duritz is offline
Join Date: Dec 2004
Posts: 956

Largely Betfair. Also use Austote when the pools are good, as they were at Flemington and usually are on Saturdays. Annoyed that Austote stopped betting on Perth races though. They started out doing just that but must not want to keep the office open for an extra couple of hours. Absurd notion. Perth races are an excellent betting proposition and attract good pools. By not betting on them all they do is give the impression of not being a professional outfit. You'd never see IAS or any of those mobs not betting on Perth metro meets.

Don't like the Valley today, small fields, midweek class horse. Am getting a Hong Kong database going, think I'll work on that.

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