1st February 2005, 12:53 PM
Join Date: Jan 1970
Posts: 359
Don't think that's quite right, Neil.
You can certainly make 30%+ profit on turnover at the races - the problem is, to do so you really have to limit the number of bets. If you're really selective - say 1-3 bets per week - then high % profits are achievable The downside is that your bank doesn't turn over very quickly.
On the other hand, if you're operating on the basis of only winning 10% on turnover, that is achievable with many more selections per week and higher turnover.
One of my selection methods runs at about 100 bets per month/ 36% winners to runners/ 18% profit (more than 2000 to date).
Another runs at about 15 bets per month 50% winners and almost 40% profit. Interestingly, I've found that if you can find a method that returns 50% winners to runners and bet on it regardless of the bookmaker odds, the average price of the winners is always around $2.80...strange.
Overall, my preference is for the high turnover/ lower return bet types but it's a matter of personal taste.
Anyway, I wouldn't be accepting 10% profit as any sort of benchmark - there's more fat in the bookies' markets than that.