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Old 1st February 2005, 03:16 PM
Filante Filante is offline
Join Date: Jan 1970
Posts: 359

Originally Posted by Mr. Logic
With your first method just level staking $200 would turn over $20,000 per month and give you $3,600 tax free per month. Even with just another $200 on your other 15 bets per month you'd get another $1200 tax free. That makes $4,800 per month tax free. I guess you must be a full time professional living of the punt. Good on you, Filante.

I just do it for a hobby - I wouldn't turn over anything like $20,000 a month; more like $80,000/year. But I appreciate the irony of Mr "Logic" using rhetoric in an attempt to make my figures seem extraordinary.

I did post my bets for about a week and a half not long back under the heading "My Bets for (date)". The result of that was over 40% winners at over 30% profit. I also posted around 50 best bets over a period of about a month with similar results.

Go check 'em for yourself.
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