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Old 26th February 2009, 09:53 PM
Chrome Prince Chrome Prince is offline
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Not a criticism, but a help.

Your filters actually make more of a loss than backing all favourites without those filters.
I'd suggest looking in other directions for filters than just the obvious one's.

Based on your rules there is a loss of 14.73% at tote prices.
I assumed similar distance to mean +/- 200M.

Quite honestly, you'd be better off picking out the shorter horses on the card and putting ALL your efforts into getting the best possible price you can.

Hope this helps.
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Old 27th February 2009, 12:55 AM
partypooper partypooper is offline
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Chrome, yes I didn't have the data but I suspected that @ Tote prices there may be a BIG problem.
I could start to list filters as long as your arm here that may or may not improve that, but as you say the best filter easily would be PRICES! I don't think that was what Mike was wanting to hear but there you go!
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Old 27th February 2009, 03:19 AM
Bhagwan Bhagwan is offline
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Here is a simple plan that throws up a 36% SR targeting min price $2.80+

.Target all Pre-Post race Favs

.List all the Favs prices.

.Bet the 2 horses with the 2 shortest price.

.We will end up with 2 horses per venue.

.Do the same for all venues .

. Bet .5% of bank level stakes , adjusted up & down daily.
e.g. $1 / $200 ratio

Take the advice about obtaining best price because you wont get it just using one TAB account.

This plan shows a profit using Betfair targeting a min price of $2.80+.

If just using your local TAB you will be lucky to break even, that's how much the price difference is between the two agencies.

Try & only bet if one can get $2.80+ if possible. Otherwise no bet.

One can use a tool called Betbotpro to place the bets for you on Betfair at say 15 secs till jump time ,at say a price of 2.80-11.00
Its a Robot that does your betting for you, while you are at work & it is very accurate & simple to use.
It can have stop losses set & max profit set.
It even has its own forum for its members only.

Bets can be as low as .10c

I use this & its a fantastic tool to use , especially if one does not wish to be in front of their PC all day.

It also has a choice of staking plans for win & lay betting.
Comes with a free trial that can be run in simulation mode on the overseas races.

It even has a program that will only place a Lay bet if its Lay price is within 10% of the Back price . (Adjustable percentage)
This stops the program placing a Lay bet that maybe 12.00 where its Back price may be 6.00, very powerful tool.

Covers all countries Dogs , Trots, Horses.

One could literally bet 24 hours a day ,7 days a week.

It is a must have for time saving & value seeking.

Ask yourself a serious question.
Could you honestly sit in front of the PC & let 12 races go bye, before placing a qualifying bet which may present itself.
Betbotpro can & do it 24/7.

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Old 27th February 2009, 10:26 AM
jayjones1 jayjones1 is offline
Join Date: Jan 2009
Posts: 72

cheers thanks for your plan
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Old 27th February 2009, 04:29 PM
partypooper partypooper is offline
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lots of adverts ey?
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Old 27th February 2009, 06:16 PM
Mike367 Mike367 is offline
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Thanks everone for your help and advise.
I've had a look at a few of the old posts and my head is spinning with the possibilities.

Wow a database!!! What a great tool to have, where can I get one? Please don't tell me I have to spend years making my own.

As for the various systems and filters.... Well it's like going to Woolies for a Pick and Mix!

That Betbotpro tool sounds very interesting, as does the plan you suggested, thank you Bhagwan.

I've heard that the Fav has a S/R of %33, can anyone back that up?

Again, thanks all.
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Old 27th February 2009, 07:42 PM
Mike367 Mike367 is offline
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Posts: 117

I get what you say, but except for ever 2nd Saturday all i have is the form guide from the paper and my phone.
Yes, I know, very limited resources but I have to make the best of it.
I just have to work out which are the best filters, easy. lol

Originally Posted by Chrome Prince

Not a criticism, but a help.

Your filters actually make more of a loss than backing all favourites without those filters.
I'd suggest looking in other directions for filters than just the obvious one's.

Based on your rules there is a loss of 14.73% at tote prices.
I assumed similar distance to mean +/- 200M.

Quite honestly, you'd be better off picking out the shorter horses on the card and putting ALL your efforts into getting the best possible price you can.

Hope this helps.
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Old 27th February 2009, 09:34 PM
partypooper partypooper is offline
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Mike367, yes I know what you mean about limited resources and knowledge. but all you need to bet at BEST TOTE + SP or bet at Top Fluctuation is open an account with Sportsbet, (dead easy) you will get a free bet straight away, and you can place your bets by phone, and even that; is a 1800 number (I think) you will be immediately be 5-10% better than betting on the tote, and that could well be THE 5-10%, good luck!

PS I'm sure that Favs winning % overall is about 32-33%, Trotters is about 38-40% (so I'm told) but the odds are always in line i.e. the shorter the price the higher the S/R, but reflected in the lower odds (of course)

PPS my advice if always backing favs would be to bet at Top Fluc. if the pre-post price is say $4 or less other wise bet at best tote. Of course sometimes you will be on the wrong side but overall a definite advantage. Bhagwans idea of fixing your price or no bet; also makes perfect sense but so far I haven't figured out how to do that. (limited computer skills)

Last edited by partypooper : 27th February 2009 at 09:38 PM.
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Old 27th February 2009, 11:17 PM
Shaun Shaun is offline
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You have 2 choices for fixing a bet at a price.

1) Bookies will do it over the phone, but i am sure that is only for win betting

2) Use a betting bot like Gruss and then use betfair and set your prices.

Send my a pm on the other place and i will explain a few things if needed
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Old 28th February 2009, 11:00 AM
partypooper partypooper is offline
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Shaun, yes I was aware of backing with a bookie with a minimum price stipulation, in fact I've done it with some success, but then the mob I was dealing with decided they would refuse some bets and not others so it killed it.

What I like the sound of is being able to do it mechanically, (i.e. if the price is met you're on if it isn't you're not) so I'll be in touch later......... thanks for that!
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